RIPE @ 2022 Call for Paper Proposals
© Universität Wien
RIPE @ 2022 Call for Paper Proposals
Join us for the RIPE@2022 Conference "Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power: Conservation and Innovation in PSM Journalism", 18-21 September 2022, in Vienna, Austria!
This 11th biennial RIPE conference invites paper proposals relevant to the concerns about the role of public service journalism as an essential and foundational part of the Fourth Estate to effectively challenge the negative impact of the fifth power.
The conference is sponsored by ORF, Austria`s public service media provider, and hosted by the University of Vienna.
Call for Paper Proposals - Submission Deadline: April 4th, 2022.
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Vienna calling!
The organiser's of this year's RIPE Conference have been working hard to provide the best space for the exchange of ideas that will take place this September in Vienna.
Fritz Hausjell, Deputy Director of the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna, believes that RIPE@2022 will be the perfect opportunity to get to know one of the best research institutes and one of the most liveable cities at the same time.
There are at least five reasons to come to RIPE in Vienna this year: a highly topical programme, to see one of the best cities for the first time (or again), to get to know on of the best and most changed public service media providers as well as one of the most dynamically developed university institutes for communication studies in the academic world and - last but not least - to see smart colleagues and friends of previous RIPE meetings again.
© Miel Satrapa
Klaus Unterberger, Head of Public Value at ORF, is convinced that the topic of this year's RIPE conference in Vienna is an urgent call for expertise and invites the scientific community to discuss quality journalism beyond fake news and filter bubbles, safeguarding independency and pluralism of the media at the RIPE@2022 Conference.
Facing the tremendous disruptions of the COVID-pandemia and the digital transformation of individual and public communication, PSM is challenged more than ever. Digital technologies stimulate radical and alarming change of media economy and perception, at the same time the impact of the global pandemia causes social tension and crisis, both undermining democracy. How can Public Service Media react?
How to prepare for participation
Please read carefully how your paper proposal have to be prepared and submitted.
Topic of Specified Interest
The RIPE@2022 Conference seeks paper proposals that explore understandings of journalistic theory and practice in the context of a complicated set of challenges that affect the media environment (digital disruption, globalization, commercialization, information disorder), as well as the importance of fair, free and independent information and news provision that has been a persistent responsibility of public service media organizations over the decades.
The following topics will ultimately frame the workgroup structure for the RIPE@2022 Conference in Vienna - please read the details in the CfP:
- 1. Policy developments affecting news and journalism for PSM organizations
- 2. Developments in journalistic and editorial practice in the digital media invironment
- 3. Challenges and opportunities posed by commercial interests as the fifth power
- 4. Challenges and developments in news and current affairs across relevant platforms
- 5. Criteria for PSM as the Fourth Estate in the digital ecology.
- 6. Declining trust in public institutions, alternative public and strategic alliances
How do I prepare my abstract?
Your extended abstract can have a maximum of 1,000 words and should address the six elements that will be considered by the scientific committee in the peer-review process. These evaluation criteria are:
- 1. Relevance to the conference theme and fit with one of the working group topics.
- 2. Newness or originality of the research (empirical) or essay (philosophical)
- 3. Theorization and general importance
- 4. Research methods and design (for empirical papers)
- 5. Key findings and implications for theory.
- 6. Relevance for PSM management and practice
Empirical and comparative research is highly valued, but the conference also welcome insightful philosophical, critical and theory-driven papers.
Please note that you will have to upload your abstract in a Microsoft word file. This must be anonymized (check here how to do it) and must not include any indication of the author(s) either in the text or in meta data.
How to submit a proposal?
Paper proposals can be submitted to peer-review here!
You will need to register in the internal system of the University of Vienna before submitting your proposal (Sign Up Link in the Submission Login Form). During the paper proposal submission process, you'll be asked to provide the following information:
- the paper's working title
- an extended abstract (max 1,000 words)
- the two working group topics the paper is most closely related to.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Submission of paper proposals: 4 April 2022
Decisions about acceptance: 2 May 2022
Submission of full papers: 15 August 2022
Conference: 18-21 September 2022
Deadline: April 4th, 2022
Submit Paper Proposal
Please read all information above carefully.